Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Random: What Would Happen If Black People Made a Flash Mob?

With the holidays come Christmas bells, mistletoe, and apparently flash mobs. For the uninitiated a flash mobs is a coordinated but seemingly spontaneous outburst of unusual behavior, usually carried out by latte-sipping white liberals between the ages of 20-28. They are usually planned via twitter, which basically means that they're completely preventable. Regardless, they still happen, and despite being messy, disruptive and outright annoying, they're generally well-received by the media.

White people having a good ole pillow fight flashmob...

I've always wondered what the hell would happen if black people tried a flash mob. I don't think the results would be pretty. History has generally been unkind to gathers of black people - even when those gatherings are announced in advanced. Hell, even back when white folk thought that blacks were harmless buffoons, they still called in the National Guard and brought out the tear spray. I can only wonder what would happen if blacks suddenly came from nowhere wielding big, soft, fluffy objects. In the hands of black men, wallets have been mistaken for pistols, so I can only imagine what a pillow would look like.

...probably like this.

But I guess you never know until you try. 

EDIT: I guess we know. "The ad hoc gangs have scared many pedestrians off the streets."

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